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1  Public Area / Application / Application Forum B & C on: August 23, 2009, 06:35:07 PM
Is Your Alliance Affliction The Inferno Applicant?

You were turned down for one reason or another and are returning to apply again. I admire your precistants, but that alone will not get you through the application process. We require a little different application process this time around. We will focus on why you were not accepted and how things have changed and you should be admitted.

Topic Title should be your nation name/ruler name forum B

Link to your application form A:
Why do you believe you were declined:
What has changed to warrent a new application:

If you are a returning member let me be the first to welcome you back, I hope you left on good terms or this will get a little messy. My guess is that if you were accepted the first time you know what your doing this time. Fill out the following information in a new thread.

Topic Title should be your nation name/ruler name
Topic Description should be form C

Link to your first Form A application:
Why did you leave:
Alliances since your resignation:
Why you left alliances:
Why you wish to return:
2  Public Area / Application / Read Before Applying on: August 23, 2009, 06:32:48 PM
Before you post your application read the following information on the rights and obligations of membership. Once you have read, understand, and agree to the contract of the charter, you are free to apply for membership.

Article 1: Membership
Membership, to The Inferno is should be considered an honor and held in high regard. Nations wishing to join The Inferno will meet the following.

Section 1: Application for Membership
A. Nations must be free of wars, not currently aiding enemies of The Inferno or her allies, and can not reside on any ZI lists or enemy to any alliance.
B. Nations agree to maintain a weekly forum activity, follow all orders given, and treat all other members and allies with respect.
C. Nations agree to change to the black team, vote for the appointed senator, and refrain from war.
D. Once a nation has applied the nation is not an official member, their AA should be set to "The Inferno Applicant", their is a mandatory 48 hour interview period at which time the applicant should check and answer the questions asked truthfully. If accepted the applicant will become a cadet and will go through the academy.

Section 2: Rights of Membership
A. Nations have the right to speak their minds in a private channel of the forum or on the members IRC.
B. No nation shall be deprived the right of defense, either from in game attacks or accusations placed against them.
C. All nations who have been granted membership, post cadet stage have the right to a harbor and foreign ministry.

Section 3: Termination of Membership
A. Termination of membership may be done by any nation, for any reason, given that the member post their resignation from membership, failure to post will result in attacks, one request to post resignation after a 24 hours the nation will be deemed a rogue and attacked.
B. Membership may also be terminated if the member is found in violation of the charter, and following a trial, expulsion is the sentence.
C. In extreme cases the Empress may expel a member from the alliance if the expulsion is needed for the safety of The Inferno as a whole.
3  Public Area / Application / Applicantion Forum A on: August 23, 2009, 06:32:28 PM

We are a very selective alliance and so your probably going to find our application process very long and drawn out. Thats good we planned it this way so that we could weed out the less deticated. I do not in anyway wish to push members away, but I do intend to push away mutches who are only here for aid or protection. We have both infact if you make it through the application process and the academy I don't think you will find an alliance that offers more aid to it's members, but that is a long ways away.

Since this is your first time applying with us we will need some basic information about yourself, your nation, and your history in Cybernations. Any information you provide should be honest and to the best of your knowledge accurate.

Hey, we are glad you decided to come apply for The Inferno.

By filling out and submitting this application, you hereby agree to follow the terms and regulations outlined in the CHARTER regarding all aspects of CyberNations, and The Inferno, activity.

To join the The Inferno,

Is your Alliance Affliction: The Inferno Applicant
 Make a Topic
 Title: Nation Name/Ruler Name
Topic Description: Form A

Nation Name:
Ruler Name:
National Strength:
Team Color:
Link to your nation:
Past alliances:
Time in alliances:
Positions held in alliances:
Involvment in past conflicts:
Why you left alliances:

Trade partniers names, links to their nation, and length of trade:

Explain any and all aid that your nation is currently recieving:

Why you wish to join the Inferno:

What do you hope to acomplish as a member of the Inferno:

What skills to you possess that you would be willing to employ as a member of the Inferno:

I <Your ruler Name> have read, understand, and agree to the requirments placed on my nation of <Your nation Name>. I agree to serve the Inferno and it's government to the best of my ability, and pledge to uphold the charter and honor of the Inferno.
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